This holiday I am going on a trip to Samoa and my nana is staying home with my cousins named Brooklyn and Mani and lucky last is Jlee and hen we will go to the airport and we will head off to Samoa and we are going to do a dance at the wedding at my dad's sister that is getting married and then we finished our dance and stayed for 2 weeks or more weeks and so we might go to buy some food but there Samoan food and it is called cocolaser.
After we went back to my home and getting all our stuff to go back to New Zealand and when we got there I will be happy.
I am a learner at Glen Taylor School in Auckland, New Zealand. I am in Room 12 and my teacher is Mr. Nikiforuk.
Thursday, 29 November 2018
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
The Avenger Team
`These are the avengers.
The avengers are a team of superheroes.
Six Superheroes are avengers.
Each has a power.
Captain America is strong.
He has a shield.
His shield cannot break.
He throws his shield to stop the bad guys.
It flies back.
Ant-Man is an avenger, too.
He can become as small as an ant.
Ant-Man can speak to bugs.
They help him win his fights.
Ant-Man can also make himself big.
Ant-man calls himself Giant-Man when he is big.
Ant-Man has a partner.
She is called wasp.
Wasp is like Ant-man.
She can become small.
She has wings.
She can fly.
She can sting.
This is hulk.
He is an avenger too.
The hulk is big.
He is green.
He is very strong.
He can even smash bricks.
This is thor.
Thor is also an avenger.
Thor has a hammer.
He uses it to fly.
Thor slams his hammer to make thunder.
Thor throws his hammer.
It always comes back to him.
Ironman is an Avenger.
Ironman is not a robot.
He is a man in an iron suit.
His name is Tony.
Tony made the suit.
Tony is safer in the suit.
The suit is full of power.
Each hero is strong.
As a team they are stronger.
These are the Avengers.
Friday, 23 November 2018
Thursday, 22 November 2018
Samoa By Logan And Tj
Describe the secret life of a smiling firefly who travels far away country
Once upon a time in samoa people speak samoan language alot and they eat home made meals using fresh ingredients.
They live in weed houses and wax houses too and they have mats and they don’t have windows and they have samoan tattoos on there body and there back too and I was born in samoa because when I was a baby I look like samoan and the samoans are related to tonga and sometimes they have some fight with the tongans and the samoans eat seafood and they like it and they like to eat food that are more samoan and tongan. samoans lie south of the equator, about halfway between Hawaii and New Zealand, in the Polynesian region of the Pacific Ocean. The total land area is 2,842 km² (1,097 sq mi), consisting of the two large islands of Upolu and Savaii (which together account for 99% of the total land area) and eight small islets The traditional culture of Samoa is a communal way of life based on Fa'a Samoa, the unique socio-political culture. In Samoan culture, most activities are done together. There are 3 main parts in the Samoan culture, that is faith, family and music. ... The aiga or extended family lives and works together.According to legend, Samoa is known According to legend, Samoa is known as the “Cradle of Polynesia” because Savai'i island is said to be Hawaiki, the Polynesian homeland. Samoan culture is undoubtedly central to Polynesian life, and its styles of music, dance, and visual art have gained renown throughout the Pacific islands and the world.So it all works out in the end: Moana is not from Hawaii, and neither is she from New Zealand. She has to come from Tonga or Samoa, the two first archipelagoes where the Polynesian People was born. They were the only Polynesian islands with a population at the time Samoan Americans are Pacific Islanders in the United States Census, and are the second largest Pacific Islander group in the U.S., after Native Hawaiians. ... Like Hawaiian Americans, the Samoans arrived in the mainland in the 20th century as agricultural laborers and factory
Book Review By Tj
I like the illustrtor how he said about the golden stute and I like how he drawed the mouse that was finding the golden staute and the pirate and they both found the staute and they where in a fight.
book review
Thursday, 8 November 2018
On Thursday 28th june in the afternoon we went to the hall to talk about kids safe with dog and we went with room 9 and we saw 2 dogs with 2 people and the dogs names was furge and the other dogs name was chase and they both were friendly dogs and sometimes they bark and nick gives a peice of dog food to him and he was queit and then chase was even more quiet and then we got a book and we opened it to the first page and we saw 3 dogs on the page and we told the people that what was in the picture and then we went to the second page and we saw A dog with a green collar and we
Reflection for Miss wrack
When our teacher was gone we had GTS deputy principal and what we did is we went on our chromebook and went on scratch and only we had to create things not play other peoples games and on scratch Miss wrack came around looking at peoples scratch project that they are making and then on scratch I was creating an animal jumping around eating food and drinking water and I was done with my game and let other people play it and then I moved on to the broken chromebooks and I was all by myself answering the chromebooks and then what I saw is something cool is technology and it was green and red and other colours too. What I enjoyed is creating my scratch project and the thing that I was frustaing is unswering the chromebook and creating my scratch project because scratch is hard to make a game but I tried and tried and the thing about unswering the chromebooks is that the swerdriver is magnit and evertime I unswere a nail is the nail sticks to the swerdriver and the that I want to more of is playing scratch and the thing that Miss wrack needs to do better is to let us try other peoples games.
WHAT I am avacheving
my goal is:
My goal for this week is my test for math,reading and writing because I want to level up to the highest level than everyone and for math is being smart and getting smarter and smarter and for reading is reading words than from earth to the moon in a rocket ship to the moon and back
Plane Ride
One day there was a family that moved to New Zealand because they were in Australia.
Next they went airport and payed for the fair and they said what country do you want to go to?
So they went to NZ to see there dads family.
they were happy because it was there first time at New Zealand and ate chocolate.
plane rides,
Tuesday, 30 October 2018
When I was years old writng long sentence
Dear Mum, and dad.
The best day of my life.
I went to Australia on an aeroplane. This was my second time on a plane. We flew to Brisbane. I went with my whole family for a holiday, but my nana and I stayed longer. We stayed for another 2 weeks. And by the time we got there I said hi to my cousins and my whole family aswell but my baby brother was too cute and people keep saying that my baby brother was handsome. I slept with my cousins in the garage and we had foam rubber mattresses. We had warm blankets because it was cold at night, they were soft and nice to liy on. I went to the shop and I bought lollies for my mummy and daddy in New Zealand because I love my mummy and daddy and I love my little brother and his name is lorenzo and also my sister pepe too.
2 year old writing
Friday, 19 October 2018
Acheveing my goals from this week
how I achieve my goals is about thinking about what the teacher is telling us what to do.
I achieve my goals because I am trying my best and never giving up.
I do it because i try to make my family pround of me.
I achieve my goals because I am trying my best and never giving up.
I do it because i try to make my family pround of me.
acheveing things
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
Tamsim and the deep
Morgan promised mum that he will teach Tamsim how to surf and the problem was that Morgan wasn't listening and then she went by herself. She went too far out on the sea then she fell off her surfboard in the deep water. Tamsim found her surfboard and surf all the way back then the mum said it was 10 months ago and then she had a bleeding anckle and she saved Morgans life. Morgan taught Tamsim how to surf and she got better and better.
Friday, 10 August 2018
Healty Choices
healthy choices list
Lighter options, such as angel food cake, can satisfy your sweet tooth without adding fat to your diet. Fruits and vegetables naturally are low in fat. They provide flavor and variety to your diet. They also contain necessary fiber, vitamins, and minerals.The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 requires USDA to establish nutrition standards for all foods sold in schools -- beyond the federally-supported mealsprograms. ... Like the new school meals, the standards require healthier foods, more whole grains, low fat dairy, fruits, vegetables and leaner protein.fruits and veges make you think faster and the veges keep you strong and heathy and fruits are good and yummy for you and fruits are the ones with the seeds inside and the veges are the ones with no seeds inside.
Lighter options, such as angel food cake, can satisfy your sweet tooth without adding fat to your diet. Fruits and vegetables naturally are low in fat. They provide flavor and variety to your diet. They also contain necessary fiber, vitamins, and minerals.The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 requires USDA to establish nutrition standards for all foods sold in schools -- beyond the federally-supported mealsprograms. ... Like the new school meals, the standards require healthier foods, more whole grains, low fat dairy, fruits, vegetables and leaner protein.fruits and veges make you think faster and the veges keep you strong and heathy and fruits are good and yummy for you and fruits are the ones with the seeds inside and the veges are the ones with no seeds inside.
healty chocies,
Tuesday, 19 June 2018
Today with miss Litchfield room 10 did a challenge for the longest plane that goes very very far and miss Litchfeild was taking photos of who won but it wasn't me we don't now. We first thing we did is made the plane then the teacher said 321 then we say stop then we went outside then we were having a practice round then we had a real round then Harry won the first round then we had the second round the Harry won the again then the third round we all won then we went back to class then we started to clean up for morning tea.
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
My writing is about the golden state VS Cavaliers I was cheering for golden state because they got all of the good players like Stephen Curry and kevin durant and the golden state warriors won and that is good because Cavaliers always win and the golden state bate them and it was’nt the
first time they bate the Cavaliers it has been about 4 times they won against the Cavaliers and the golden state is the best team in the NBA and the Cavaliers are the second best team in the NBA and the golden state is the best team ever known and I wish I was like golden state Warrior Did the golden state beat the Cavaliers in the finals and that is my story.

Thursday, 31 May 2018

My favourite thing in the whole world is playing rugby and basketball.I am a good reader and a speller and I am good at listening, reading, writing, and sometimes I am a good drawer.
What I am looking for is to be a famous rugby player. The second thing that I am looking for is being a coach.
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
Choices in the community is keeping things clean, by picking up our rubbish.
Choices in the community is being good and making good choices like using the zebra crossing.
Choices in the community is making good choices not bad choices.
Choices in the community is doing the right thing even when no one is looking.
Choice in the commuity is doing hard work.
Choice in the commuity is using good manners not bad manners.
Choice in the community is listening to the teacher.
Friday, 6 April 2018
Thursday, 5 April 2018
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